Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme
Choleduz Omega supreme

Choleduz Omega supreme

Choleduz Omega Supreme

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Rich in omega-3s, which help lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Reduces inflammation in blood vessels, promoting better cardiovascular health.

3. Triglyceride Reduction: Effective in lowering triglyceride levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

4. Blood Pressure Regulation: Supports healthy blood pressure levels through improved blood flow and vessel elasticity.

5. Heart Health Support: Promotes overall heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular events.

6. Cholesterol Management: Aids in balancing cholesterol levels, contributing to better lipid profiles.

7. Antioxidant Effects: Contains antioxidants that protect blood vessels from oxidative stress.

8. Weight Management: Supports weight loss efforts, which can positively impact cholesterol and blood pressure.

9. Improved Circulation: Enhances circulation, reducing strain on the heart and blood vessels.

10. Holistic Approach: Complements a healthy diet and lifestyle, maximizing cardiovascular benefits.

These benefits collectively contribute to improved cardio heart health.
KES 5,500.00

KES 6,500.00