Argan 100% Marrocan Oil

Argan 100% Marrocan Oil

•Diabetes •Cholesterol •Weight Loss (natural appetite suppressant) •Menopause •Digestion •Increase brain function •Increase memory •Hair loss •Brittle nails •Stress •Hypertension •Chronic fatigue •Osteoporosis •Fights Infection •Detoxification •Rheumatism •Joint pain •Anti-Ageing •Increase libido •Acne •Psoriasis •Eczema *Store @ cool room temp. How to use: 1)Apply to skin, OR 2) Drink ¼ teasp 3x
BENEFITS: Excellent source of vitamin E. It is rich in ferulic acids, eight essential fatty acids, carotenoids, antioxidants, sterols, saponins and polyphones. Generally regarded as safe for pregnant & lactating women, as well as children.