Green World Vitamin C Tablet
Green World Vig Power Capsule
Vigpower Green world Capsule • Strong erection • Stamina and Premature •Ejaculation characteristics and benefits •Conserves the vital power and strengthens the sexual ability through replenishing the kidney • Increases sperm count and improves Sperm motility •Helps with sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or frequent spermatorhea tell:+263788677400
Green World Pine Pollen Tea
Green World Pine Pollen Tea •Provides abundant nutrients, improves immunity and enhances organs and systems of the body. •Regulates endocrine system and balances the estrogen to testosterone ratio in women and men. •Lowers blood sugar level and protects cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system with it’s antioxidant properties. •Prevents and alleviates prostate disorders. Tel:+263788677400
Green World Royal Jelly Capsule
Green World Royal Gelly Capsule •Strengthens immunity and facilitates regeneration of the tissue; •Improves metabolism and excretion; •Prevents certain types of cancer, such as breast and cervical cancer in women; •Fights cancer by inhibiting blood supply pressure; •Accelerates convalescence and reduces the incidence of relapse; •Restrains bacteria and reduces inflammation; •Reduces spots and wrinkles, nourishes skin, activates the hair, nail, and skin, and postpone senility. tel:+263788677400
Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsules
Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule Characteristics and Benefits •Improves bowel movement, accelerates toxin excretion •Alleviates inflammatory signs and symptoms •Eases pain and expels the internal heat of a human body Suitable for: •People with gastrointestinal disorders,such as chronic diarrhea •People with Constipation •People with chronic inflammation and skin disorders
Green World Intestine Cleansing Tea
Intestine Cleansing Tea Green World • Improves health bowel movement •Alleviates dyspepsia and flatulence •Relieves Constipation • Assists ingestion of meats •Increases secretion of stomach juice •Antioxidant properties of catechisms •Accelerates dissolving of triglycerides •Helps the toxin excretion from the intestinal tracts tel:+263788677400
Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule
Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule •Invigorates the kidney and improves the function of infiltration •Removes the toxins accumulated in the kidney •Improves sexuality in men tel:+263788677400
Green World Zinc Tablet (ADULTS)
•helps men with infertility • helps women with infertility •Speed up wound healing •Enhances immunity tel:263788677400
Green World Carotene and Lycopene Capsule
Characteristics and Benefits •Supplements body with vitamin A •Serves as a strong antioxidant which deactivates free radicals •Prevents Cancer, especially Prostate Cancer •Prevents atherosclerosis through lowering blood pressure Suitable for: •Teenagers and Adults with vitamin A deficiency •Males with prostate disorders such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement) and prostate cancer •People with elevated blood lipid
Green World Cardio Power Capsule
Characteristics and Benefits: •Decreases blood lipid, blood viscosity, prevents platelet aggregation, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis •Dilates arteries which supply blood to the brain and heart, increases coronary blood flow, improves blood supply to the brain and heart •Dilates coronary artery, can be used for alleviating symptoms of angina pectoris Suitable for: •People with hypertension, high blood lipid, high blood viscosity •People with atherosclerosis •People who have angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, and/or other coronary artery diseases •People during rehabilitation of myocardial infarction