Pizza & Rolls

Pizza & Rolls

Healthy and delectable variety for your daily meals.
Dietary Advice:

M18 Low-Carb Chicken Breast Pizza 7”
478kcal Protein 50g Carb 29g Fat 18g
Contains wheat, dairy, egg, and beans.

M19 Low-Carb Vegan Shiitake Pizza 7”
459kcal Protein 32g Carb 31g Fat 23g
Allium-free, contains wheat, mushroom, soy, and beans.

M20 Low-Carb Chicken Breast Salad Roll (for dine-in only)
431kcal Protein 48g Carb 26g Fat 15g
Allium-free, contains trace amount of sesame and wheat.

M21 Low-Carb Vegan Shiitake Salad Roll (for dine-in only)
420kcal Protein 32g Carb 28g Fat 20g
Allium-free, contains mushroom, trace amount of sesame and wheat.

A packaging fee is included in all prices to ensure the optimal condition of your order upon delivery.
