Eye Power

Eye Power

Do you spend long hours looking at the screen? Are you experiencing headaches, eye pain or blurred vision while frequently squinting and rubbing your eyes? These could be signs of eye fatigue.

Specially curated by TCM physicians from EMW Physiotherapy and TCM, Eye Power employs TCM philosophy to help reduce fatigue and promote better eye health.

Promotes Healthy Vision & Eye Health
⭐ Improve Vision
⭐ Nourish Liver & Kidney

Nourish & Tonify Liver & Kidney

Key Ingredients:
= Cassia Seeds 决明子
Nourish Liver and improve vision 清肝明目
= Wolfberry 枸杞子
Nourish Liver and Kidney, promote Essence and vision 滋补肝肾,益精明目
= Chamomile, Mulberry, Mint, Stevia Leaves
