Organic Avocado Smoothie

Organic Avocado Smoothie

Our dairy-free special avocado smoothie made from organic ripe avocados blended with plant based organic milk and quarter of a banana has a delicious creamy taste and is packed with energy along with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and an array of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Potassium that supports brain function, and enhances skin health.

Our Promise:
No Added Sugar or preservatives.
We do not use frozen fruits.
made fresh from 100% organic fruits on order.

Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 380mL
Fruit Source: Peru
Calories: 526 kcal
Total Fat: 42g
Total Carbohydrates: 37g
- Dietary Fiber: 16g
- Sugars: 13g
Protein: 7g

Vitamins and Minerals
Folate: 41% DV
Natural Pantothenic Acid: 40% DV
Vitamin C: 30% DV
Vitamin E: 33% DV
Vitamin K: 26% DV
Vitamin B6: 29% DV
Riboflavin: 31% DV
Niacin: 19% DV