Ice Peach Tea Mengkudu by JRM Bonda Rozita
Ice Peach Tea Mengkudu by JRM Bonda Rozita
Ice Peach Tea Mengkudu by JRM Bonda Rozita

Ice Peach Tea Mengkudu by JRM Bonda Rozita

Ice Peach Tea Mengnudi is one of the products produced by Bonda... cheap... tasty... and nutritious...

Among the advantages of ice tea peach noni:
πŸ‘ Launches the digestive system.
πŸ‘ Stimulates the immune system.
πŸ‘ Remove toxins from the body.
πŸ‘ High in Vitamin C & a source of antioxidants to beautify the skin & remove acne.
πŸ‘ Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.
πŸ‘ Improve liver function.
πŸ‘ Launches blood circulation.