Choose from a range of Very Affordable Data Bundle Offers and have them delivered in some few minutes. Delivery depends on internet traffic on orders. Normally, AirtelTigo Bundles are delivered instantly or within some few minutes
AirtelTigo Bundle Offers
1 Gig
+ GH₵6.00
2 Gig
+ GH₵10.00
3 Gig
+ GH₵15.00
4 Gig
+ GH₵19.00
5 Gig
+ GH₵25.00
6 Gig
+ GH₵28.00
7 Gig
+ GH₵32.00
8 Gig
+ GH₵36.00
9 Gig
+ GH₵40.00
10 Gig
+ GH₵45.00
12 Gig
+ GH₵53.00
15 Gig
+ GH₵65.00
20 Gig
+ GH₵82.00
25 Gig
+ GH₵110.00
30 Gig
+ GH₵130.00
40 Gig
+ GH₵170.00
50 Gig
+ GH₵215.00
100 Gig
+ GH₵390.00
Beneficiary Number(To receive the data)