Request a consultation
Consultant with Dr. Mat DataLab
USh 50,000
Data Analysis
Analyze my Data
All prices are in ugx (1 USD = 3700 UGX) the amount can vary depending on the number of files to analyse. You will need to reach out to Dr. Mat at +256 754662944 for more info
USh 100,000
Create visuals for Data
A tracker with dashboard (Excel )
Create a tracker with a Dash board
Create a tracker that can be updated regularly and monitor activities with a dashboard give you progress. Reach Dr. Mat on +256 754 662944 for more infor
USh 200,000
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Training on data and data analysis
Request A training class
Training on the concepts of data analysis or quality control
/ 1 PAX
USh 70,000
Training on data and quality control