Amarula cream 750ml
Made with finest ingredients including Sugar Cream Exotic fruit
Ksh 2,500.00
Ksh 2,700.00
Amarula cream 375ml
Amarula 375ml boasts a creamy consistency with hints of caramel, vanilla, and a subtle nuttiness, courtesy of the marula fruit. The palate is greeted with a harmonious blend of sweet and fruity flavors, leading to a soft, lingering finish. Its versatility makes it a perfect companion for a wide range of cocktails, desserts, or simply enjoyed on its ow
Ksh 1,500.00
Ksh 1,600.00
Glenfidich 15yrs Whiskey 750ml
It is known for being sweet, fresh and fruity Is distilled at a single distillery in Scotland using a pot still distillation process The distillery has 43 copper pot stills that are shaped like "swan necks"
Ksh 9,500.00
Johnie Walker gold reserve whiskey 1liter
Balanced and fresh on the nose, with hints of sweet fruits, honey and slightly smoky notes. Soft and elegant on the palate, with notes of vanilla, honey and a pleasant return of citrus notes. Delicate, clean finish, with hints of honey and light smoky notes.
Ksh 8,800.00
/ 1 QTY
Ksh 9,500.00
Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label 750ml
Veuve Clicquotis a France liquor classified as brut champagne and belongs to Veuve Clicquot family. It contains 12% ABV (alcohol by volume) and comes in 750ml
Ksh 13,000.00
/ 1 QTY
Ksh 15,000.00
Moet & Chandon Ice Imperial 750ml
Moet & Chandon Ice imperial is a Premium champagne that is an exceptional blend of pinot noir, pinot meunier and chardonnay with tropical notes and sweet spices such as licorice, red fruits and peppermint. Exclusive champagne to serve over ice. Faithful to the tradition of innovation, Moet & Chandon has revolutionized the world of Champagne with a breakthrough creation, Moet Ice Imperial, the first champagne created to be served on ice cubes. Breaking all the traditional Champagne rules, Moet Ice Imperial, brings freshness and modernity to the next generation of luxury. Winery
Ksh 12,000.00
Ksh 13,000.00
Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades Brut Gold 750ml
Each cuvee uses the tradition champagne grapes(chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier),with the Blanc de Blancs consisting of 100% Chardonnay and the Blanc de Noirs comprised of 100% Pinot Noir. This grapes are hand picked and then pressed where the first press is used for Champagne production. Armand de brignac also known as ace of shades has actually 5 cuvees,glod brut,
Ksh 59,000.00
Ksh 65,000.00
Moet Chandon Rose Imperial Champagne 750Ml
Lively and intense, the bouquet exudes red fruits (wild strawberry, raspberry, cherry) with floral nuances of rose and a slight hint of pepper. On the palate, the wine shows a juicy intensity of berries (strawberry, raspberry, red currant) rounded out by the fleshiness and firmness
Ksh 13,000.00
Ksh 14,000.00