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男女 Dragon Phoenix (龙凤丸) Tongkat Ali For Man & Women

东革阿里胶囊对男性的作用是: 该植物用于马来西亚传统医学,植物的根在水中煮沸,水被用作产后恢复的健康补品,作为壮激激药. 女性当然是可以吃东革阿里的,因为对女性的一个身体调理以及一些不良的症状也有一定的效果。对于女性朋友而言,服用东革阿里的话,能够更好的帮助自己调理内分泌,治疗白带,暖子宫,而且还能够缓解腰膝酸软等身体的不适症状,所以女性朋友可以适当的服用东革阿里。中西方医学研究证明,雄性激素在人体20岁时达到顶峰(100%),在80岁时只剩20-50%,平均每年下降2%。事实上,很多男性在50-60岁时,睾酮水平已下降到在医学上被认为是最低健康水平的350ng/mg以下,通常人体血液中应含有500-1100ng/mg的睾酮。对于女性来说,卵巢负责产生 40%的雄性激素。当雄性激素分泌减少时,女性会感到疲劳,体重增加,体力和脑力下降,性欲降低。搜索能促进人体产生更多的睾酮,增幅最高可达440%。人体试验表明,DHEA (一种雄性激素)水平从服用它一周后的26%增长到服用三周后的47%,而SHBG(一种抑制雄性激素的蛋白球)水平在服用一周后下降36%,三周后下降66%。结果是,当SHBG下降时,绝大部分试验者的“游离睾酮指数”上升。“游离睾酮指数”的上升意味着阿里对雄性激素的产生具有生物促进(而非药物促进)的作用.所以东革阿里具有延缓女性更年期的作用。 东革阿里除了增加性欲,对于女性的每个月经期不准、月经特别长、特别多;体质虚弱,常常失眠,神经衰弱,冬天手脚冰凉等症状。 女性服用东革阿里,应首选东革性微温,味甘香。功效可补中益神,壮阳,助肾强,利尿,治水肿,对腰腿疼痛,关节炎,体弱乏力者,效果显著,此外滋阴补阳,助治白带,暖子宫。长期服用,轻身不老。自古东南亚当地民族皆知的传统药材和滋补品。马来西亚有位年轻少妇,因白带过多,造成夫妻生活不和谐,无法根治,非常苦恼。幸运有人介绍东革阿里,因为长期服用,病情好转,现在过着幸福美满的生活。别小看这东革阿里,男人壮阳,特效强筋坚骨,强身益气,养生方子。女人补肾抗老化,暖子宫,特效根治白带,子宫炎。 从上述的内容介绍我们可以知道,女性服用东革阿里的话,对调理她们的内分泌治疗和解决一些妇科疾病有一定的效果,而且是用这样的方法,又不会给健康造成不良的影响,或者是副作用,因此对女性而言带来的保健也是比较好的。 女性: 最近一份对有性生活的妇女的研究报告表明,血液中睾酮水平与女性性反应和性满足之间呈明显相关。 东革阿里胶囊的神奇之处就在于能够促进人体自身睾酮(一种男女体内都有的性动力激素)的大量分泌,最高可提升4.4倍。 Women, of course, can eat Tongkat Ali, because of a physical conditioning for women and some adverse symptoms also have a certain effect. For female friends, taking tongkat Ali, can better help yourself to regulate endocrine, treatment of leucorrhea, warm uterus, but also can alleviate the waist and knees and other physical symptoms, so female friends can take tongkat Ali appropriate. Chinese and Western medical studies have proved that gonadal hormone reaches its peak (100%) at the age of 20, and remains only 20-50% at the age of 80, with an average annual decline of 2%. In fact, many men between the ages of 50 and 60 have testosterone levels below the medically considered minimum healthy level of 350 ng / mg, whereas a person's blood should normally contain 500-1,100 ng / m of testosterone. In women, the ovaries are responsible for 40% of gonadal hormones. When gonadal hormone is secreted, the female can feel tired, gain weight, physical strength and mental drop, sexual desire is reduced. Search can increase the body's production of more testosterone by up to 440 percent. Human trials have shown that DHEA Levels of SHBG, a protein ball that inhibits gonadal hormone, increased from 26 percent after one week to 47 percent after three weeks, while levels of SHBG fell by 36 percent after one week and 66 percent after three weeks. As a result, when SHBG decreased, the "free testosterone index" increased in the vast majority of subjects. Therefore, Tongkat Ali has the effect of delaying female climacteric period. The increase of free testosterone index means that Ali has the biological promotion (not the drug promotion) on the production of gonadal hormone. Tongkat Ali in addition to increasing sexual desire, for women's monthly menstrual period is not allowed, especially long menstruation, particularly many; Physical weakness, frequent insomnia, weakened nerves, cold hands and feet in winter, and other symptoms. Tongkat Ali women taking should be the first choice for tepid Tongkat, sweet and fragrant. In addition, nourishing yin and tonifying yang, helping to cure leucorrhea and warming uterus. Take it for a long time, without getting old. Traditional medicines and remedies have been known to local peoples in Southeast Asia since ancient times. There is a young woman in Malaysia who is very distressed because of the excessive white belts, which have caused a discord in the couple's life and cannot be cured. Fortunately, someone introduced Tongkat Ali, because of long-term use, the condition improved, and now live a happy life. Don't look down upon this Tongkat Ali, a man of impotence, special effects strong tendons and bones, physical Qi, health formula. Women supplement the kidneys to fight aging, warm the uterus, and have special effects to cure white ribbons and uterine inflammation. From the above introduction we can know that women take tongkat Ali, to regulate their endocrine treatment and solve some gynecological diseases have a certain effect, And it is used in this way, and will not cause adverse effects, or side effects, so the health care for women is also relatively good. Tongkat Ali capsules for women are: A recent study of sexually active women showed a clear correlation between blood testosterone levels and female sexual response and sexual satisfaction. The miracle of Tongkat Ali Capsule is that it can promote the body's own testosterone (a sexual power hormone found in both men and women) in large quantities, which can be increased by up to 4.4 times。

RM 278.89

男女 Dragon Phoenix  (龙凤丸) Tongkat Ali For Man & Women