Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮

Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮

### 果蔬汁介绍 | Fruit & Vegetable Juice Introduction

1. Kale Barley Seedling | 羽衣甘蓝大麦苗
Packed with kale and barley seedlings, this juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, helping detoxify the body and boost vitality.

2. Cranberry Anthocyanin | 树莓蔓越莓
A perfect blend of cranberries and raspberries, high in anthocyanins, provides antioxidant benefits and supports immune health with a tangy, refreshing taste.

3. Red Dates Beetroot | 红枣甜菜根
Combining the nourishing sweetness of red dates with the earthy flavor of beetroot, this juice is ideal for boosting blood circulation and enhancing natural radiance.

4. Vitamin C Team | 西柚小黄姜
Grapefruit's tangy aroma meets the zesty spice of ginger, rich in vitamin C, to refresh and energize while promoting metabolism.

5. Kiwifruit Avocado | 奇异果牛油果
The tangy sweetness of kiwi pairs beautifully with the creamy richness of avocado, offering a nutrient-packed drink full of vitamins and healthy fats.

6. Coconut Protein | 乳清电解饮
A revitalizing blend of coconut water and whey protein, loaded with electrolytes and protein, making it the perfect post-workout recovery drink.
RM 11.47

RM 13.50