Jameson Irish Whisky
Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish Whiskey. A light floral fragrance, peppered with spicy wood and sweet notes. The perfect balance of spicy, nutty and vanilla notes with hints of sweet sherry and exceptional smoothness
/ 750 ML
Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition
An initial aroma of freshly cut hay is complemented by a crisp orchard fruit character - green apples and pears, with a twist of lime zest. Mild pot still spices appear, deepening from green tea to hazelnut and milk chocolate.
/ 750 ML
Jameson IPA
Floral, herbal hops, grapefruit citrus notes with subtle orchard fruits, complemented by wood shavings and a little nuttiness. Hops and light citrus with sweet herbal notes and delicate spicy tones. The lingering fresh fruit and hops give way to grains of barley and a signature smooth finish.
/ 750 ML
Jameson Black Barrel
Jameson Black Barrel is aged for up to 16 years in double charred barrels, making it a full strength whiskey bursting with aromas of toffee and fudge, complemented by a spicy character and a rich vanilla finish.
/ 750 ML
Viceroy Brandy 5yo
Viceroy 5 Year Old is a Blended brandy. Combination of premium neutral spirit and 5 year matured Potstill components double distilled and slowly matured. On the palate, Viceroy shows harmony between toasted oak, vanilla and the spicy, fruity aromas typical of a five-year-old brandy.
/ 750 ML
South African brandy known for its smooth and rich flavour profile. It's made from carefully selected grapes and aged in oak barrels for a minimum of three years, resulting in a complex blend of fruit, wood, and spice notes.
/ 750 ML
Klipdrift Premium
Klipdrift Premium Brandy is a South African brandy known for its smooth and rich flavour profile. It's made from carefully selected grapes and aged in oak barrels for a minimum of three years, resulting in a complex blend of fruit, wood, and spice notes.
/ 750 ML
KWV 3yo Brandy
-KWV THREE, is the foundation of our craft. Double distilled, the Potstill content is matured for at least 3 years in small French Oak barrels. Through fine selection and artful blending we are able to achieve a brandy with a full, smooth and fruity taste. POTSTILL CONTENT AGED 3 YEARS COLOUR Dark golden._
/ 750 ML
Hennessy VS
Hennessy V.S offers toasted and fruit notes, with a rich, clearly defined palate and a welcoming exuberance. Hennessy V.S expresses its vibrant and dynamic personality through unique artist partnerships and annual limited editions. Easy to enjoy, it's a perfect cognac for high-energy occasions and sharing the moment.
/ 750 ML
Hennessy VSOP
Hennessy VSOP Privilège is a well-balanced blend of over 60 eaux-de-vie, matured exclusively in French oak. The palate offers notes of smooth vanilla, cinnamon, candied fruit, crystalised ginger and spicy oak.
/ 750 ML
Hennessy XO
It is the well-rounded flavor of a rich, dark chocolate. A striking sensation is suddenly felt – the vigorous ebb and flow of oak notes interlaced with vanilla. The evanescent oak notes leave a long, omnipresent finish in their wake
/ 750 ML
Remy Martin VSOP
The name "VSOP" stands for "Very Superior Old Pale". Rémy Martin VSOP is made from a blend of Grande and Petite Champagne cognacs and is aged for a minimum of four years in French oak barrels. Rémy Martin VSOP is characterized by its smooth, mellow flavour and its amber colour.
/ 750 ML
Captain Morgan Spiced Gold
A perfect blend of Caribbean rum, real Madagascar vanilla, natural flavors and spice, with notes of cinnamon, clove, dried fruit, caramelized sugar, vanilla, and honey come together to level up your taste buds with our original spice.
/ 750 ML
Captain Morgan Dark Rum
Captain Morgan Dark Rum is a full-bodied, dark rum with rich caramel and vanilla notes. Rich and smooth, flavours of toffee and vanilla are perfectly balanced by the smoky cask finish. Enjoy in a tankard over ice, served with cola or fiery ginger ale and a twist of lime.
/ 750 ML
Malibu Original (White)
One of the world's leading flavoured spirits, Malibu is the refreshing taste of summer. Made with Caribbean rum that is produced in a distillery on a beach in Barbados, the original coconut-flavoured rum is a staple in iconic cocktails such as piña coladas and daiquiris.
/ 750 ML
Barcadi Carta Blanca
BACARDÍ Carta Blanca is a light and aromatic white rum with delicate floral and fruity notes, ideal for mixing.
/ 750 ML
Smirnoff 1818 Vodka
Smirnoff Vodka 1818 is a premium vodka crafted with the finest ingredients. Distilled three times for a smooth, clean taste, this vodka is perfect for any occasion. Enjoy it neat, on the rocks, or in your favorite cocktail. With its subtle notes of vanilla and almond, Smirnoff Vodka 1818 is sure to please.
/ 750 ML
Red Square Plain
Red Square vodka is carbon filtered for clarity & triple distilled for purity. The result is a premium mixing vodka,with a taste smooth enough to rival any premium vodka brand
/ 750 ML
Red Square Wild Berry
-Red Square vodka is carbon filtered for clarity & triple distilled for purity. The result is a premium mixing vodka,with a taste smooth enough to rival any premium vodka brand_
/ 750 ML
Red Square Lime Vodka
Red Square vodka is carbon filtered for clarity & triple distilled for purity. The result is a premium mixing vodka,with a taste smooth enough to rival any premium vodka brand
/ 750 ML
Gordons OG
Gordon's London Dry Gin is made with only the finest botanicals, all carefully distilled to create its distinctively refreshing taste. Bold, juniper-led, with zesty notes of citrus and super smooth texture. It's no wonder the world's best-selling gin is also a multiple gold award-winning gin.
/ 750 ML
Gordons Pink Berry
Gordon's Pink has a luxurious creaminess that is the perfect complement to its complex array of fruitiness. Sweet and juicy strawberry is mixed with a little tartness of redcurrant and the tang of raspberry.
/ 750 ML
Strettons OG
Stretton's London Dry Gin is a world-class, multiple award-winning, London Dry Gin. With its secret blend of ingredients, including juniper berry, coriander seed, acacia bark and orange peel, Stretton's London Dry Gin delivers a refreshingly good taste and is excellent value for money.
/ 750 ML
Strettons Triple Berry
Strettons Triple Berry, a delightful and fruity twist on the classic gin that is perfect for anyone who loves a vibrant and refreshing cocktail. This gin is infused with a blend of three delicious berries, including raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries, which gives it a rich and juicy flavour.
/ 750 ML
Olmeca Silver
Olmeca Silver is a select high-quality Mexican tequila that contains at least 51 % Weber blue agave distillate, produced in the state of Jalisco. It is crystal clear and has a fresh fruity taste of blue agave.
/ 750 ML
Olmeca Gold
Olmeca is a high-quality Mexican tequila that contains at least 51% blue agave distillate, produced in the state of Jalisco. Olmeca Gold is the world's most popular golden tequila with a citrus taste and a delicate sweet finish. It tastes best pure or in a variety of exotic cocktails.
/ 750 ML
Patron Reposado
The third of Patrons triumvirate of exceptional tequilas, Patron Reposado has a complex and distinctive flavour profile. Smooth from the first sip, you can taste the smokiness of the oak used in the maturation process and light fresh agave also comes through quickly.
/ 750 ML
Patron Coffee
Patrón coffee is a dry, low-proof coffee liqueur that's a blend of Patrón Silver and the essence of fine coffee. It's excellent for sipping, mixed in cocktails or as a dessert ingredient.
/ 1000 ML
Amarula Cream OG 1ltr
this is our original cream liqueur. Made from the delicious Marula fruit of sub-Equatorial Africa, the Marula spirit is distilled and aged in French oak for two years. It is then blended with our velvety cream to create the smooth taste of Amarula – best savoured over ice, preferably with a view.
/ 1000 ML
Amarula Cream OG 750ml
This is our original cream liqueur. Made from the delicious Marula fruit of sub-Equatorial Africa, the Marula spirit is distilled and aged in French oak for two years. It is then blended with our velvety cream to create the smooth taste of Amarula – best savoured over ice, preferably with a view.
/ 750 ML
Cactus Jack OG
Crafted with expert precision and care, each bottle of Cactus Jack Tequila Original delivers a distinctively smooth and refreshing taste that redefines traditional expectations. Indulge in the exquisite aroma of agave, complemented by subtle notes of citrus and spice, making it the perfect choice for any occasion.
/ 700 ML
Jägermeister is a German digestif liqueur made with 56 different herbs and botanicals, invented in 1934. It's 35% ABV, which is relatively high alcohol for a liqueur. It was invented by the son of a vinegar manufacturer, Curt Mast, who was passionate about hunting.
/ 1000 ML
Zambezi Lager
Zambezi Lager is a premium quality beer with good effervescence, exceptional hops flavour, and a good head retention, brewed in Zimbabwe to the original recipe, since 1992.
/ 500 ML
Carling Black Label Lager
Carling Black Label is a light, clean-tasting blond lager with a subtle hint of hops. Notes / Commercial Description: A contemporary lager beer with a light, crisp, refreshing aroma and taste.
/ 500 ML
Castle Lager
Castle Lager is South Africa's oldest beer brand - the iconic, somewhat dry, somewhat bitter, never sweet beer. It still represents the quintessential South African experience and the values of friendship and coming together. As the brand has grown it has expanded into the rest of the continent.
/ 330 ML
Castle Lite SA Import
Castle Lite is extra cold lagered to be a clean- drinking and refreshing full strength beer with a light, crisp and dry taste. Castle Lite is the only beer lagered at -2.5°C. Crisp and crunchy green salads and light seafood.
/ 340 KG
Hunters Dry
A naturally crisp cider, with distinctive apple fruit fusion taste and dry finish that gives ultimate refreshment, best served ice cold with friends. ABV (Alcohol): 5.5% vol.
/ 330 ML
Hunters Gold
Hunter's Gold is an all-natural apple cider with a distinctively crisp taste. It is refreshingly sweet, balanced with the full-flavoured taste of fine apples. Hunter's Gold is best served chilled to enjoy its sparkling refreshment.
/ 330 ML
Hunters Hard Lemon
Hunter's Hard Lemon is a hard cider with an extra zesty twist. It has a bright golden yellow colour, and offers a mild sweetness on the palate, with an added dash of lemon to quench any thirst.
/ 330 ML
Kopparberg Premium Cider
Offering a unique twist to the traditional cider flavour, Kopparberg Mixed Fruit blends the juice of blackcurrants and raspberries with Kopparberg's Apple Cider to produce a truly distinctive fruity taste, rich in colour and refreshing down to the last drop
/ 330 ML
Namaqua Sweet Red
With its long fruity aftertaste, Namaqua Sweet Red is best served chilled (between 8-10˚C) with pasta or paired with cold roast beef and soft cheeses.
/ 750 ML
1659 Classic Red
Deep and ripe dark fruit aromas with subtle undertones of spice and vanilla. Palate: The wine shows lovely aromas of violet and berries, giving it a pleasant fruit pastille character. The palate is soft, with a bit of sweetness in the finish and flavours of raspberry, plums and delicate spice
/ 750 ML
Bella Vino Sassy Sweet Red
Deep and ripe dark fruit aromas with subtle undertones of spice and vanilla. Palate: Lovely aromas of violet and berries, giving it a pleasant fruit pastille character. The palate is soft, with a bit of sweetness in the finish and flavours of raspberry, plums and delicate spice.
/ 750 ML
Three Monkeys Merlot
Lovely and ripe, medium to full bodied, with juicy plum and raspberry on the palate also, with black cherry, spice and a lick of creamy oak. It's a generous juicy mouthful with bags of fruit and spice, a hint of tea. Good acidity too, keeping it vibrant
/ 750 ML
Three Monkeys Cab Sauv
It's a generous juicy mouthful with bags of fruit and spice, a hint of tea. Good acidity too, keeping it vibrant. It's texture and minerality make it a crunchy accompaniment to the most epicurean table or barbie.
/ 750 ML
Pandoras Box Merlot
Deep, fruit-driven and jammy. Filled with ripe, rich fruit and a plethora of spices, this style is typified by Australian Shiraz, Sonoma Zinfandel and Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Characteristics... Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot wines are made from two of the world's most famous and most widely grown wine grapes.
/ 750 ML
Pandoras Box Cab Sauv
Silky smooth and well rounded with rich dark berries, bitter chocolate and plummy flavours abound. Hints of white pepper on the finish. Not the most refined but for price this is good drinking
/ 750 ML
Sixpence Cab Sauv
The 2021 Sixpence Proprietary Red is made from 100% cabernet sauvignon. Medium-bodied, it abounds with aromas and flavors of blackberries and black raspberries entwined with hints of brambly earth and woodsmoke, and bright acidity keeps it light on its feet.
/ 750 ML
Balance Cab Sauv
A wine with intense red hues, well-structured and velvety smooth with generous flavours of ripe ripe berry and nut with a delightful hint of oak.
/ 750 ML
Excelsior Merlot 2021
Dark, ruby colour Nose: Sweet violet, blackberry fruits and on the nose. Palate: Succulent flavours of ripe plum and blackcurrant, enhanced by hints of coffee and chocolate. Soft tannins lend a firm structure.
/ 750 ML
Nederburg Elderood
Nederburg has a bright, red colour and complex flavours such as delicious blackcurrant, tabacco leaf and dense mocha. Soft and elegant, the palate is laced with minty ripe fruit and spicy vanilla, result of the increased portion of barrel maturation.
/ 750 ML
Alvis Drift Merlot
Full bodied for a Merlot, yet soft and juicy with subtle tobacco characters on the nose and palate. There are notes of cherries and ripe plums with a hint of chocolate. The tannin structure is quite firm for a Merlot and we expect the wine to age well because of this.
/ 750 ML
Casal Garcia Vinho Tinto
Tinto. A young, fruity wine with an elegant and smooth body, yet with the unique characteristic freshness of Casal Garcia wines. Clear and shiny appearance, young and intense garnet colour.
/ 750 ML
Casal Garcia Sangria Red
Casal Garcia Sangria Red has a bright ruby color and a clear appearance. It is a very aromatic drink, with notes of wild strawberry, apple, cinnamon and citrus fruit standing out. In the mouth it has a youthful and light profile, a softly velvety texture and a finish intensely marked by the exuberance of its fruit.
/ 750 ML
Nederburg Baronne
Nederburg Baronne has a deep ruby colour. There are alluring aromas of spicy dark blue and black berry fruit. The palate is juicy, soft and plush in the mouth with blueberry, cassis, a twist of pepper and cinnamon. Rich and textured
/ 750 KG
Kumusha Cab Sauv
This fleshy and fruit-driven Cabernet is one of our favorite reds coming out of South Africa's Western Cape. Notes of juicy red fruits, wild berries, cherries, and fresh cut herbs dominate the wine's ripe yet restrained palate
/ 750 ML
The Good Stuff Red
Manufactured and produced in the heart of Tobacco country (North Carolina), The Good Stuff Red Pipe Tobacco brings you the richest and boldest of flavors with an even and consistent cut. You'll love the smooth and clean finish without having the harsh pipe smell or funky aftertaste of many other brands.
/ 750 ML
Bob’s Your Uncle Sauv Blanc
A “perfect storm” sauvignon blanc! A wonderfully fruity white wine. Dynamic fruit flavours are paired with soft vanilla notes.
/ 750 ML
1659 Sauv Blanc
Ripe aromas of tropical fruit, with subtle hints of lime. Palate: An easy-drinking wine, made to be truly enjoyed. The wine is fresh and lively on the palate, with a zesty and lingering aftertaste.
/ 750 ML
Pandoras Box Sauv Blanc
Pale straw yellow. Nose: Ripe tropicals with floral notes adding complexity. Palate: Pure Sauvignon Blanc flavours of passionfruit and tropical fruit are fresh and intense. Acidity is crisp and balanced, flavours are persistent and satisfying.
/ 750 ML
Darling Cellars Sweet White
A wine with many layers of tropical hints, honey and pear notes on the nose. This is floral and fruity wine that is supported by a fresh acidity. Makes for a perfect summer daytime drink!
/ 750 ML
JP Chenet Sauv Blanc
The JP Chenet Sauvignon Blanc is golden in colour with green highlights with aromas of white flowers, blackcurrant, and citrus fruits. Best paired with seafood dishes such as fish and oysters.
/ 750 ML
Deimersfontein Sauv Blanc
The Diemersfontein Sauvignon Blanc displays fresh acidity and a delightful spectrum of ripe tropical fruits like pineapple and passion fruit, ending with zingy lime, a textured mouthfeel and a lingering finish. A lean, crisp wine that's extremely flexible when it comes to food.
/ 750 ML
Excelsior Sauv Blanc
This white wine is complex on the nose with passion fruit, grapefruit and ripe fig aromas. The palate is fruity with a zesty acidity. Enjoy is with a chicken Fillet with roasted lemons, green olives and capers.
/ 750 ML
Balance Sauv Blanc
Balance Sauvignon Blanc is fresh and crisp with tropical fruit flavours. A crisp non-alcoholic white with citrus and herbaceous flavours and a touch of tropical fruit. A refreshing acidity while finishing round and soft. Vintage 2022: Subject to change without notice.
/ 750 ML
Casal Garcia Vinho Verde
A light wine that is marked by its beautiful citric colours and incredible freshness. Its aromatic splendour is revealed through soft hints of tropical fruits and citric aromas. A very balanced wine that leaves a harmonious and citric after-taste.
/ 750 ML
Casal Garcia Sangria White
Casal Garcia Sangria White has a bright color and a clean appearance. It is a very aromatic drink, highlighting the citrus notes of orange, lemon and lime, with a touch of tropical fruit. In the mouth it has a young, light and vibrant profile, with a finish intensely marked by the freshness of its fruits.
/ 750 ML
Nederburg Sauv Blanc
Nederburg Sauvignon Blanc is a light golden colour with a touch of lime green. There are of aromas of a highveld thunderstorm, flinty, grassy naunces with zingy lemon and granadilla notes. The palate has flinty hints with lemon zest and marmalade flavours.
/ 750 ML
Kumusha Sauv Blanc
This fresh and fruit-driven Sauvignon Blanc is loaded with flavors of gooseberry, citrus, fresh cut melon, and crushed stones. 'Kumusha' means 'your home' / 'your roots' in Shona, which pays homage to Tinashe Nyamudoka's home country of Zimbabwe. Serve chilled with a variety of seafood, salads, or fresh cheeses.
/ 750 ML
Fat Bastard Sauv Blanc
Fat Bastard Sauvignon Blanc is a perfect everyday white wine. A brilliant lemon yellow colour with green reflections with enticing grapefruit, lemon grass and floral aromas intermingle on the nose while the palate displays fresh exotic fruit aromas and a pronounced, crisp acidity followed by a long, persistent finish.
/ 750 ML
Alvi’s Drift Sauv Blanc
Sparkling bright and pale straw in colour, this wine offers intense aromas of gooseberry and granadilla. It is well balanced with crisp acidity and has a clean, refreshing palate with fruit following through.
/ 750 ML
Namaqua Blanc De Blanc
A crisp, dry and refreshingly fruity wine, with an abundance of guava and citrus flavours
/ 750 ML
Charme Sauv Blanc
A zingy and refreshing dry white wine with lemon, golden apple and subtle asparagus notes. Easy drinking and pairs well either with shellfish, fish, pasta, or chicken dishes
/ 750 ML
Tall Horse Sauv Blanc
A graceful perfumed nose with expressive soft and sunny tropical fruit aromas tinged with grass and herbs. A deliciously fresh and racy entry with a stampede of green pineapple, gooseberry and citrus flavours finishing with zesty vigour
/ 750 ML
Montino Rose’
An irresistible juicy, naturally sweet rose, Montino Rose is a pretty cherry pink color, with tempting crushed strawberry and Turkish delight aromas that explode in succulent candied red berry flavors. It offers an abundant bouquet of red berries in a refreshing, sparkling style.
/ 750 ML
Casal Garcia Vinho Rose’
It has a pink color, a clear, bright and slightly effervescent appearance. It is a fruity wine with notes of raspberry and strawberry on the nose. In the mouth, the red fruit remains evident, well combined with a balanced acidity that gives this wine great freshness. It has a harmonious finish and a smooth persistence
/ 750 ML
Four Cousins NS Rose’ 1.5Ltr
A fragrant, flame-coloured wine with gentle floral perfume. Flavours of luscious tropical fruits, peaches & raisins are followed by a lingering, silky finish. A sweet rosé wine. A wine for everyday enjoyment.
/ 1500 ML
Nederburg Rose’
Nederburg Rose is a beautiful deep pink colour. The nose is packed full of juicy red berry, strawberry and cherry flavours with a hint of apricot. These aromas all follow on to the palate with a hint of herbaceous character and a clean, refreshing, slightly off-dry finish with balancing acidity
/ 750 ML
Lady Lilian Cru Classe Rose'
Sparkling Wine
/ 750 QTY
Bon Courage Blush Vin Doux
A fragrant, flame-coloured wine with gentle floral perfume. Flavours of luscious tropical fruits, peaches & raisins are followed by a lingering, silky finish. A wine for everyday enjoyment
/ 750 ML
JC LeRoux Nectar Rose’
Nectar Demi-sec Rosé is a sophisticated, off-dry, sparkling wine with an enhancing salmon blush colour. This off-dry Rosé is a vibrant expression of fruity flavours with hints of berries, plum and tropical fruit. in the heart of Devon Valley in Stellenbosch.
/ 750 ML
Alvi’s Drift Brut Rose’
Supported by a lively mousse, it is a clean, fresh and unpretentious wine with a dry finish that offers subtle hints of watermelon and candyfloss. Perfect for summertime enjoyment and celebrations of all kinds.
/ 750 ML
Da Luca Sparkling Rose’
Da Luca Sparkling Rosé is a smooth and refreshing Italian wine that is perfect for any occasion. This sparkling rosé boasts a light pink hue and aromas of fresh strawberries, raspberries and delicate floral notes. The flavor profile is well-balanced, with a pleasant tartness and a hint of sweetness.
/ 750 ML
Valdo Prosecco Paradise
Fine and elegant blossom, with a consistent presence of raspberry aromas on the nose. A fine perlage of minute bubbles; pleasant round warm flavour with a charming fruity aroma.
/ 750 ML
Bottega Millesmato Brut
Bottega Brut Millesimato is a charming sparkling wine, obtained thanks to a specific oenological technique leading to the creation of bubbles and relevant perlage. Thanks to the bubbles, which stimulate the taste buds and enhance the perception of flavors, sparkling wines are versatile and easy to match.
/ 750 ML
Graham Beck Bliss Nectar Rose’
This alluringly pink-hued Rosé style Cap Classique delights with a seductive sweetness, enchanting smoothness and undeniable flair. The appealing strawberry aromas are complemented by hints of spiced peach and creamy raspberry, underscored with a subtle floral nuance
/ 750 ML
Bottega Prosecco Brut
Bouquet: Fruity (apple, white peach, citrus fruits) and delicate floral (acacia, wisteria) notes. Taste: Fresh, delicate, balanced, with an harmonious blend of acidity and softness. Excellent as an aperitif and in cocktails, it is also an ideal all-around wine
/ 750 ML
Graham Beck Pinot Noir Rose’
This bubbly has a beautiful salmon pink hue, with ripe blueberries and a subtle spiciness from the Pinot Noir and creamy complexity from the Chardonnay. An explosion of raspberry fruit and slight honeysuckle flavours on the palate, with a persistent yet delicate mousse.
/ 750 ML
Moet Imperial Brut
Möet & Chandon Brut Imperial is a champagne that offers vibrant notes of green apple and citrus fruits on the nose accompanied by mineral nuances, hints of white flowers as well as aromas of brioche and fresh nuts that is typical of the aging process.
/ 750 ML
Moet Nectar Imperial
On tasting, Nectar Impérial champagne inspires a chromatic universe featuring golden, brilliant, shimmering tones: a marbled gold with darker shades, fire agate stone from Mexico, the warm glow of yellow amber or even the blue running through a slice of Roquefort.
/ 750 ML
Veuve Clicquot Brut
Clicquot's signature brut non-vintage is loved the world over for its crisp, full flavors, consistent quality and celebratory yellow label. This classically-styled, dry Champagne is a blend of two-thirds black grapes (Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier) for body, balanced with one-third Chardonnay for elegance
/ 750 ML
Veuve Cliquot Rich
Veuve Clicquot Rich is bright and clear. Aromas of fruit – peach, apricot, pineapple and mango – dominate, with just a hint of almond. This champagne is lightly sweet, with fresh citrus and floral notes and a silky finish.
/ 750 ML
Rooiberg Sparkling Wine Brut
This vivacious, light, but dry sparkling wine, has charms of dried herbs and citrus tones and an exuberantly refreshing palate, expertly rounded in a completely dry aftertaste.
/ 750 ML