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Ice pops
Orders should be placed 24-48 hours in advance as Ice pops are made to order.
Milky Ice pops
Ice pops (Sucker Bobby)
Eggnogs and Creams
Orders should be placed 24-48 hours in advance as drinks are made to order.
Eggnog and Creams (Small)
Guinness Punch (Small)
Guinness Punch (Large)
Eggnog and Creams (Large)
Peanut Punch (Large)
Peanut Punch (Small)
Gift Ideas
Order our gift and fruit baskets 48 hours in advance for your special occasions.
Gift Baskets or Gift Boxes
Fruit Baskets or Fruit Platters
Order within 24-48 hours. Ask about our exotic flavors: Pina Colada, Mojito, & more!
1 OZ Jello Shots
2 OZ Jello Shots