Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World
Kuji Wizardly World

Kuji Wizardly World

Price base on per Kuji ticket.

★ You may request to see the hit rate for any Kuji. (View what tickets have been opened so far)

★ For hit-rate request @ https://wa.me/+6737258880 or Tiktok Live connexbn

★ Kuji tickets purchased online will be opened during our live streams.

★ Prizes can be selected if there are multiple designs available.

★ Kuji tickets purchased strictly not refundable, exchangeable & cancellations due to the nature of the game.

Prize Lineup:
A - Room Light
B - Visual Towel
C - Deformed Figure
D - Color Bottom Glass
E - Rubber Charm
F - Towel Collection
G - Clear File & Sticker Set
Last Prize - Cushion