Turmeric Face & Body Soap
Royale Glo Bundle
Turmeric Soap, scrub & serum For dark spots, acne, eczema, stretch marks, liverspots, etc.
Royale Glo Serum
For dark spots, acne, eczema, stretch marks, liverspots, razor bumps, etc.
Royale Glo Body Butter
For dark spots, acne, eczema, stretch marks, liverspots, etc.
Royale Glo Exfoliator (Face & Body Scrub)
For dark spots, acne, eczema, stretch marks, liverspots, etc.
Acne Relief Serum
Angel Kiss Yoni Kit
For yeast infection, BV, razor bumps, ingrown hair, abnormal odor or discharge, overall vaginal health and cleanliness.
Yoni Wash
For yeast infection, BV, razor bumps, ingrown hair, abnormal odor or discharge, overall vaginal health and cleanliness.
Yoni Oil
For yeast infection, BV, razor bumps, ingrown hair, abnormal odor or discharge, overall vaginal health and cleanliness.
Yoni Steam Herbs
Red rose, caledlndula & lavender. For vaginal tightening, abnormal discharge or odor, irregular menstrual cycle, blocked tube, cyst, yeast infection, BV, infertility, healing cuts/tears, hemorrhoids and more.
Boric Acid
Yoni Detox Pearl