Concrete Mix design Optimizer Ver. 1
Concrete Mix design Optimizer Ver. 1

Concrete Mix design Optimizer Ver. 1

✅ Automate design W/c ratio to achieve calculated target strength
✅ Use manual adjustment option of W/c ratio to estimate desired target strength margin
✅ Free Ebook - ACI 211.8R-15 Guide to Troubleshooting 28 Concrete Mixture Issues
✅ Automatically switch from normal strength to high strength settings as per ACI 211.1 & ACI 211.4R
✅ Select from Multiple Combined all-in grading envelop based on the concrete application (0.45 power, CF & WF, Tarantula, SCC, Pumpability)
✅ Instruction on how to use the template
✅ Procedure (steps) as per ACI 211.1 & ACI 211.4R