The Alphabet School (Early Years)
Short Vowel (Reception Class)
Long vowel (Year 1)
Letter Combinations (Year 2)
Consonant Clusters (Year 3)
The 44 Sounds (Year 4)
Fluency 1 (Year 5)
Fluency 2 (Year 6)
Enlightened User of Spoken English JSS 1-3
The Alphabet School Flashcards (Uppercase,Lowercase,Combined cases and 2 letter words table)
Consonant Clusters Flashcards (BL, GL, DR etc)
Wall Chart ( Two letter word))
Wall Chart ( Consonant Clusters)
Wall Chart (i_e chart) ime, ipe etc
Wall Chart ( a_e chart) ake, ame etc
Wall Chart ( Vowel Diagraphs) ie, ai, ow etc
Wall Chart (IPA Chart) /ei/, /ʃ/, /θ/ etc
Wall Charts (Word Famiies) at, cat, mat, sat etc
Wall Charts ( 100 sight words)
Wall Chart (The English Code - Consonant spelling) p, pp etc
Wall Chart ( The English Code - Vowel spelling) o, oa, ou, oe, o_e etc
Phonetic Symbols Flash Cards