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Delivery address with map location and 11 new payment methods

Jun 7, 2024

Map Location in Delivery Address

You can now require customers to pin their location on the map when entering their delivery address. This ensures you get the exact location, especially in areas where the address or postal code might not be accurate. Once entered, merchants will see the map link in the invoice. Lear more.

New Payment Methods

  • Payhere (Sri Lanka, Automated payment)
  • Pesapal (Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
  • Mercado Pago (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Peru)
  • Kaspi (Kazakhstan)
  • Lynk (Jamaica)
  • IKhoKha (South Africa)
  • Ecocash (Zimbabwe)
  • Innbucks (Zimbabwe)
  • MonCash (Haiti)
  • CellMoni (Papua New Guinea)
  • TigoPesa (Tanzania)

Helpdesk Content


  • Fixed bundle discount calculation and maximum product quantity bug
  • Restricted staff access to analytics
  • Added product link to invoice
  • Added note to store credit transaction
  • Turned off Google login in in-app browsers

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