Activated Charcoal Hair Growth Shampoo

Activated Charcoal Hair Growth Shampoo

Activated charcoal’s porous structure makes it great for cleaning your hair of extraneous dirt and oils. While it may not look or feel especially glamorous to rub black powder all over your hair and scalp, it can indeed be helpful and hygienic to do so. Many people feel that it is an effective form of dry shampoo in that it is much more natural and useful than the kinds of dry shampoos you can buy in stores.

Through activated charcoal’s scalp cleaning abilities, another benefit is also introduced: faster hair growth. One of the main reasons that hair growth can often become stagnant is because of clogged pores and follicles on the scalp. By applying activated charcoal to the scalp, you can effectively unclog these follicles and pores and allow your hair growth to resume in a natural way. No more prescription products or chemical supplements are necessary; a simple application of activated charcoal can allow for hair growth to resume quickly.

Aside from basic hygiene for the scalp and improving hair growth, activated charcoal also features several medical benefits. As an example, it can be used as a treatment to deal with scalp infections, scalp acne, and dandruff. While it may not be powerful enough to cure a scalp infection all on its own, activated charcoal can certainly speed up the healing process.
