Kavalan Podium 700ML

Kavalan Podium 700ML

Volume: 700ML

Brand: Kavalan

Category: Whisky / Single Malt Whisky

Country: Taiwan

Alcohol: 46%

Created from hand-selected brand new American oak casks and re-fill casks, this expression is surprisingly delicate and extremely complex. It is a resounding endorsement of our sophisticated wood policy.

Color: Dark gold with amber highlight

Palate: Subtropical fruitiness such as mango and green apple lurking in the complex background is to be perceived together with hints of honey, cherry, white pepper and grape. The finale is a long and sustainable after-taste encored over and over again.

Flavor: Clean, subtle and elegant with those fragrant and extremely pleasant floral and sweet aromas mixed with vanilla and coconut that arouses the olfactory senses.

Tasting: Flavourful Taiwanese, Thai and Japanese dishes are ably matched by Kavalan Podium.
Rs 18,500.00