Glenmorangie X 750ML

Glenmorangie X 750ML

Volume: 750ML

Brand: Glenmorangie

Category: Whisky / Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland

Alcohol: 40%

Aged in Ex-Bourbon and New Charred Oak Casks, X was crafted with mixologists to create a whisky with sweeter and richer taste. It is a vehicle for infinite flavor combinations and pairings, with its name lending itself to endless mashups, is a Single Malt made for mixing.

COLOUR: Bright, pale gold.

NOSE: Scents of pear and vanilla, honeysuckle and oranges.

PALATE: Swirls of orange sherbet to bursts of crème brûlée, drizzled with chocolate fudge.

FINISH: Rich and sweet.
Rs 8,000.00