Glenmorangie 14yrs Quinta Ruban 750ML

Glenmorangie 14yrs Quinta Ruban 750ML

Volume: 750ML

Brand: Glenmorangie

Category: Whisky / Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland

Alcohol: 46%

A whisky journey into the wild, The Quinta Ruban is like a dark and delectable forest, where the wind whistles with gusts of peppermint and dark swirls of chocolate can happen at any moment.

COLOUR: Dark gold with a ruby tint.

NOSE: Dark mint chocolate and Seville oranges mingle with sandalwood and walnut, with a spicy finish of pepper and nutmeg.

PALATE: Mint chocolate and walnuts envelop the palate, laying the foundations for rose, Turkish delight and sweet Seville oranges.

FINISH: Long-lasting, silky aftertaste leaving dark chocolate mints and traces of orange.
Rs 14,300.00