Glenkinchie 12yrs 750ML

Glenkinchie 12yrs 750ML

Volume: 750ML

Brand: Glenkinchie

Category: Whisky / Single Malt Whisky

Country: Scotland

Alcohol: 43%

Glenkinchie 12 Year Old is a light, delicate whisky; Sweet and creamy with a subtle floral fragrance. This subtly sophisticated Lowland single malt is a superb pre-dinner drink.

The palate is very fruity with notes of Madeira and sweet stewed fruits. A hint of calvados and tannic oak lining the mouth. There is a freshness and roundness to this dram. The finish is of medium length with notes of cereal and a fresh greenness.

Try it taken straight from the freezer.
Rs 8,900.00