Jack Daniel's No. 27 Gold Label 700ML

Jack Daniel's No. 27 Gold Label 700ML

Volume: 700ML

Brand: Jack Daniel's

Category: Whisky / American & Bourbon Whisky

Country: United States of America

Alcohol: 40%

Jack Daniel's No. 27 Gold is crafted to the same uncompromising standards as Jack Daniel's Old No. 7. Jack Daniel's No. 27 Gold earns its name from the double barreling and double mellowing.

It is extra matured in golden-hued maple barrels and twice charcoal mellowed for luxurious hints of maple and an exceedingly smooth finish.

The extra time and attention required to craft this ultra-smooth spirit means Jack Daniel's No. 27 Gold is only released in a limited number of places.
Rs 12,995.00