Bottega Bacur Distilled Dry Gin 700ML

Bottega Bacur Distilled Dry Gin 700ML

Volume: 700ML

Brand: Bottega

Category: Gin / Imported Gin

Country: Italy

Alcohol: 40%

Distilled Dry Gin Bacûr owes its unique character to the botanicals used to produce it.

Juniper berries, sage leaves and lemon zest are left to macerate in a solution of water and alcohol for a long time; after that, double distillation takes place, clearing the liquid from possible unwanted hints and leading to an elegant distillate with a fine, clean bouquet.

Perfect when enjoyed pure, as well as in cocktails and long drinks.

COLOUR: Colorless and crystal clear.

NOSE: It opens with an intense scent of juniper, followed by citrus notes of lemon zest, and closes with sage hints.

TASTE: Smooth and balanced, it delicately warms the palate without being aggressive, leaving a pleasant perfumed perception in the mouth.
Rs 7,650.00