Bali Surfing Lesson

Bali Surfing Lesson

Surfing lesson in canggu bali with professional instructor will teach all safe basic of surfing

Bali Surfing Lesson by Canggu Surf School :
We will teach you surfing in its integrity and make you ride blue and green waves all by yourself. We do not guarantee your whitewater takeoff in the first lesson, but teach you step by step from the base to be a surfer in tune with the ocean! The best way to get started is in a safe and easy environment. In our vicinity there are several beaches with most suitable conditions for novices, that means sand bottom shallow enough to stand, no rocks to get hurt, waves small enough not to get scared, and white water strong enough to get you going. All that with sea temperatures ranging from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius! How good is that? Our ISA (International Surfing Association) certified surf instructors take care of you and make sure you get started the best way, teaching you the right technique from day one and correcting you when it is necessary. We have adapted the ISA curriculum to the great conditions here in Canggu, allowing us to progress at good pace while maintaining the key points of teaching and maximum safety.

Kids – Let Get on Board
With kids we strictly do one on one teaching. How else could we guarantee full focus and a maximum of safety for your little one? Over the years we have gained experience in teaching children, and with a variety of children surfboards we are all set for getting the kids in the water! The lagoon inside the fringing reef of Batu Bolong Temple (the reef commonly known as “Tugu”) is the perfect setup for kids. The big waves break outside and what we ride are the small reform waves in a safe area with little current and hardly any rocks. In the first few classes we are happy that there is heaps of whitewater to make the first steps more easy.

Choosing low tide conditions for the first lessons, we can make sure that the shore break is of no danger, and once out there, no currents can take the kids groups anywhere. One of our guides does beach patrols so that everything is in control, and in case someone is in need, he can organize all rescue actions.

The programme – Our CANGGU-SPECIFIC Curriculum

Based on 8 years of experience, we teach you surfing from the base:
– Explanation of the spot with focus on currents, shore break, sets, lull, and the area to be or not to be in
– Paddle technique in flat water, paddling through whitewater, catching the first whitewater and riding it on the belly
– Takeoff in the whitewater, riding it straight, start doing turns, safety aspects of how to fall and resurface.
– Identifying the peak of a wave, catching a green wave, takeoff on a green wave, the basic bottom turn
– THE BIG DAY: Surf etiquette, understanding the rules of priority, catching the first real wave out the back
– Riding a wave independent from the coach, enjoying the ocean, surfing

Our teachers, guides and coaches are not only trained by the ISA, the International Surfing Association, but also international standard certified surf life savers under continuous training. We make sure you learn surfing in the safest possible environment.

Regardless, it is your responsibility to act and behave according to common sense :

– Never dive head first, never fall feet first.
– Whenever you fall, cover your head.
– Fall flat on the back or flat on the belly.
– Wear a helmet when you are a beginner.
– Wear booties when you know you will have to touch the bottom.
– Wear sunscreen and a rash-guard – we are under extreme radiation.
– Don’t hide any hazardous disease just to get wet and risk your life.

Lesson Schedule :
Morning Session from 09.00 AM
Afternoon Session from 02.00 PM until 04.30 PM
Guaranteed…Learn to surf with one coach for two guests
The prices are per session with below packages :

In one session you get your first taste of surfing!

In three sessions you’ll be surfing green waves!

Continue your journey out to the reefs of Canggu! Head high waves are what you are looking for, as you negotiate currents and find the perfect takeoff spot.

This is the package for those fully motivated to start surfing! After your first sessions in calmer waters, we take you to the various surf spots of Canggu.
SKU: SRfing