芋泥 Yam Paste (Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
(Contains Dairy)
芋泥椰浆紫米 (热) (Hot) Yammy Purple Rice (Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
Purple Rice w/ Coconut Milk, Yam Paste, Sago, Taro & Sweet Potato Balls (Contains Dairy)
(HOT) MSW Durian Mousse
黑青 Hot Chendol Black Glutinous Rice (w/ Coconut Milk)
(Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
核桃糊 Walnut Paste
(Contains Peanuts)
芝麻糊 Sesame Paste
杏仁露 Almond Cream
核桃芝麻 Walnut & Sesame
(Contains Peanuts)
核桃杏仁 Walnut & Almond
(Contains Peanuts)
杏仁芝麻 Almond & Black Sesame
杏仁腐竹 Almond & Barley Beancurd
杏仁红豆 Almond & Red Bean
杏仁黑糯米 Almond & Black Glutinous Rice
腐竹薏米白果 Barley Beancurd
陈皮红豆 Red Bean w/ Lotus Seeds
(w/ Orange Peel)
(热) 清汤 Hot Cheng T'ng
黑糯米椰浆 Hot Black Glutinous Rice w/ Coconut Milk
(Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
(COLD) MSW Durian Mousse
Durian Chendol
粉圆仙草 Grass Jelly w/ Taro & Sweet Potato Balls, Red Bean & Pearls
龙眼仙草 Grass Jelly w/ Longan
芒果仙草 Grass Jelly w/ Mangoes
芒果雪山 Fresh Mango Sago w/ Ice Cream
(Contains Dairy)
芋泥椰浆紫米 (冷) (Cold) Yammy Purple Rice (Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
Purple Rice w/ Coconut Milk, Yam Paste, Sago, Taro & Sweet Potato Balls (Contains Dairy)
黑糯米椰浆 Cold Black Glutinous Rice w/ Coconut Milk
(Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately)
黑糯米雪糕 Cold Black Glutinous Rice w/ Coconut Milk & Ice Cream
(Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately) (Contains Dairy)
榴莲黑糯米雪糕 Durian Black Glutinous Rice w/ Coconut Milk & Ice Cream
(Coconut Milk will be packed separately, please refrigerate if not consuming immediately) (Contains Dairy)
花开富贵 Chrysanthemum Jelly w/ Osmanthus & Passionfruit Pearls
金玉满堂 Ice Jelly w/ Passionfruit & Soursop
(冷) 清汤 Cold Cheng T'ng
**NEW** Avocado Purple Rice
Purple rice w/ avocado sauce, coconut milk, sago & taro balls (Contains coconut milk, please consume as soon as possible)
Avocado Sago